7th Annual Political Economy Meeting
25-27 January 2024
Call for papers
Until 10th October 2023
The Portuguese Association for Political Economy (EcPol) announces its call for papers for the 7th Annual Meeting of Political Economy, which will take place at ISEG, Lisbon, on 25-27 January 2024, under the theme Political Economy and Democracy: Reimagining the World in the 50th Anniversary of the 25th of April Revolution.
The Meeting aims to bring together all those who, from a variety of disciplinary fields and approaches, understand economic phenomena as being eminently shaped by social, political, legal, cultural, technological and ecological factors, to be analysed in their institutional, historical and geographic contexts.
The Meeting will begin on January 25, 2024, with the one-day EcPol Winter School, which will feature the participation of invited experts who will stimulate the discussion of doctoral projects presented by students.
In 2024, the historic change that began on April 25, 1974 will celebrate fifty years. This significant anniversary invites us to look back and reflect on the possibilities for socioeconomic and political transformation raised by this momentous event, including the multiple forms of freedom and democracy that developed, often spontaneously – that is, from the bottom up –, during the intense years of 1974-75. Indeed, there is not just one freedom, not just one democracy. At the same time, it is important to consider the forms of subordination, exclusion and iniquity that have persisted, and in some cases even reinforced themselves, in a political context that defines itself as free and democratic but which is by and large subordinated to an economic and financial sphere that is globalised and in permanent shock.
As the 25th of April Revolution turns fifty, the 7th Annual Meeting of Political Economy will constitute a space for broad and plural reflection on the legacy of the political revolutions of the 20th Century and the democratic projects that followed, while paying special attention to the interconnections between politics and economics. Without being limited to the Portuguese case, the Meeting will foster reflection and debate on the democratic models of the last 50 years; its various geographic, legal, administrative and economic expressions; the processes of decolonisation and neocolonisation that followed; and the crises and tensions of these models in different contexts, involving a rethinking and reconfiguration of the very idea of 'democracy'. Another running theme throughout the Meeting will be the diversity of the popular aspirations which challenge the limits of economic, social and political inclusion and democratic representation, as suggested by political, economic, labor, feminist, environmental and indigenous movements among many others that contest, sometimes irreconcilably, the established democracies.
UFRJ - Centro de Tecnologia - Núcleo Interdisciplinar para o Desenvolvimento Social (NIDES)
Paper proposals, as well as panel proposals from individual researchers, thematic sections or regional branches of EcPol are accepted on, among others, the following topics:
Technocapitalism, acceleration and dilemmas for democracy
Financialization of capitalism
The Welfare State, poverty and inequalities
Health, health policies and the NHS
Pensions and social protection policies
Housing and real estate speculation
Tourism, labor mobility and gentrification
Racism, migration and borders
Crises, emergencies and states of exception
Political economy and democratic planning
Trade unionism, cooperativism and social movements
Labor reconfigurations and labor markets
Precariousness, gig economy and platformization of work
Decolonisation and neocolonisation
Education, culture and development
Degrowth and ecology
Innovation and the green transition
Extractivism, global markets and local contestations
Ecological crisis and climate justice
Circular economy and sociotechnical change
Digitization of the State, governance and sustainability
History of political and economic thought
Varieties of capitalism and forms of international insertion
The following proposals are accepted:
1) Papers;
2) Papers to be included in panels proposed by the thematic sections/regional branches of EcPol:
Thematic panel on the Political Economy of Science and Technology (more information here);
Thematic panel on the Political Economy of the Territory (more information here).
3) Free thematic panels, comprising 3 or 4 papers.
4) Posters based on ongoing or recently completed (less than 3 years) research projects.
Papers based on PhD research projects should preferably be submitted to, and presented at, the Winter School.
Proposals should be submitted in the language in which the papers are to be presented, which may be Portuguese, Spanish or English.
Papers and PhD research projects proposals should include the following information:
i) Title;
ii) Type of proposal (paper or thesis project)
ii) Name, affiliation and e-mail address of the proponent(s);
iv) Summary and 4 keywords (max. 400 words).
Panel proposals should include the following information:
i) Title of the session;
ii) Summary of the session (max. 200 words);
iii) Name, affiliation and e-mail address of the panel proponent(s) and all participants;
iv) Title, summary and keywords (max. 400 words) of the papers included in the panel.
Proposals for posters on research projects should include the following information:
Title of the project, research team and source of funding;
Summary of the project and it main findings (max. 500 words);
Name, affiliation and e-mail address of the proponent(s).
Paper and PhD research project proposals should be submitted through the following form: https://forms.gle/ZCiAQCYDnkSR39F36
Papers to be included in the panels organised by EcPol thematic sections/regional branches should be submitted by e-mail:
Thematic panel on the Political Economy of Sciecne and Technology: by e-mail to jlgarcia@ics.ulisboa.pt and bela.irina.castro@gmail.com
Thematic panel on the Political Economy of the Territory: by e-mail to paulo.madeira@ics.ulisboa.pt and p.marques@ingenio.upv.es
Free thematic panel proposals should be submitted by e-mail to: 7ecpol@socius.iseg.ulisboa.pt
Proposals for posters on research projects should be submitted by e-mail to: 7ecpol@socius.iseg.ulisboa.pt
REGISTRATION | Registration form here
- EcPol Members (2023 membership fee already paid) | Without Institutional Support
Before 07 December 2023: 65 euros (includes EcPol membership fee for 2024)
Before 22 December 2023: 80 euros (includes EcPol membership fee for 2024)
- EcPol Members (2023 membership fee already paid) | With Institutional Support
Before 07 December 2023: 85 euros (includes EcPol membership fee for 2024)
Before 22 December 2023: 100 euros (includes EcPol membership fee for 2024)
- Students and Unemployed Persons
Before 07 December 2023: 20 euros (includes EcPol membership fee for 2024)
Before 22 December 2023: 35 euros (includes EcPol membership fee for 2024)
- Other Non-Members with Institutional Support
Before 07 December 2023: 100 euros (includes EcPol membership fee for 2024)
Before 22 December 2023: 115 euros (includes EcPol membership fee for 2024)
- Other Non-Members without Institutional Support
Before 07 December 2023: 85 euros (includes EcPol membership fee for 2024)
Before 22 December 2023: 100 euros (includes EcPol membership fee for 2024)
- Winter School and PhD projects
Before 22 December 2023: 20 euros (free for participants registered in the Meeting).
10 October 2023
Deadline for paper proposals
31 October 2023
Deadline for thesis project proposals
6 November 2023
Notification of proposals’ acceptance/rejection
7 December 2023 (new date)
Deadline for registration in the Meeting and/or Winter School
22 December 2023
Deadline for late registration and payment
Alongside and in collaboration with the 7th Annual Meeting of Political Economy, a special issue of the journal Innovation and Green Development (Elsevier) is planned, dedicated to the theme “The Role of Political Economy in Innovation and Green Development”. Articles intended for publication should be submitted between February 1st and June 30th, 2024, in accordance with the call available here.
WINTER SCHOOL | 25 january 2023
Work: transformations, representations and organization in the last 50 years
In the 50 years post the 25th of April 1974, the 7th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Political Economy proposes a reflection on the legacy of the political revolutions of the XX century, the continuities and disruptions that succeeded them, especially focusing on the interconnection between politics and the economy, inviting participants to reimagine the world.
The overthrow of the Portuguese authoritarian regime opened the possibility to a revolutionary process that carried out profound institutional transformations. After the immediate tasks aimed at guaranteeing social and individual freedoms, popular aspirations for a transformation in the economy were soon organized. The self-management movement put workers’ commissions at the head of thousands of companies, collective production units took over large estates and hundreds of nationalizations took place in strategic sectors. In addition to the guarantee of the right to strike and union organization, measures such as the reduction in the average length of the working day, the creation of the national minimum wage and the right to collective bargaining were added.
So that the Carnation Revolution can help rethink the world of modern work, in which the precariousness of labour relations has created new and persistent inequalities, the Winter School of the 7th Annual Meeting of Political Economy will hold sessions in which topics such as the collective organization of workers, labour legislation, social protection, and workers’ self-management will be discussed. There will also be room for the discussion of doctoral projects presented by students, in which specialists in each of the themes will participate.
(Re)Thinking Social Contestation 50 Years after the 25th of April: Political Economy and Democracy
January 27, 2024, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Debate, Closing Session and Visit to the Museum.
In line with previous meetings, the 7th Annual Political Economy Meeting - Political Economy and Democracy: reimagining the world in the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April Revolution - promotes a space for debate open to all audiences. Considering the current moment of contestation, it is important to understand the issues that lead to the various ongoing social and political struggles. Therefore, this year the closing round table of the meeting will include representatives from various recent social movements.
The participants in this session will reflect upon multiple inequalities and fields of struggle, such as gender, housing, racism, labor struggles, health, education, environment. Our intention is to create bridges between multiple social movements, academia, and other societal actors. In a period of political and social conflict, but also of encounter and openness, we want to understand and imagine new ways of thinking and doing departing from a configuration of perceived polycrisis: In what ways is contestation, as a result of historical changes, simultaneously a key element in intervening and influencing more structural issues through various movements? What can be the possible bridges between different struggles and practices, and what can be done to 'create' a more comprehensive movement for change? How to reimagine new fields of possibility for this change and for other futures?
To discuss these issues, we will have with us:
André Carmo, Teachers Trade Union of Greater Lisbon (Sindicato dos Professores da Grande Lisboa) / FENPROF
Ana Gago, Housing Referendum Movement (Movimento Referendo pela Habitação)
Jo Rodrigues, Associação Anémona
Miguel Jerónimo, GEOTA – Spatial Planning and Environmental Studies Group (Grupo de Estudos de Ordenamento do Território e Ambiente)
Vítor Sanches, Bazofo & Dentu Zona.
Moderation: Sandra Monteiro, Le Monde Diplomatique
The 7th Annual Meeting of Political Economy will take place at ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management
Aurora Teixeira
Ana Cordeiro Santos
António Rafael Amaro
Chun-Ping Chang
Carlos Bastien
Davide Scarso
Fátima Suleman
Joana Pereira Leite
João Silva
João Arriscado Nunes
José Reis
Leonida Correia
Luísa Veloso
Manuel Branco
Maria Fátima Nunes
Nuno Martins
Olívia Bina
Orlando Gomes
Paula Duarte Lopes
Renato Carmo
Ricardo Alcobia Rodrigues
Ricardo Barradas
Teresa Cravo
Tiago Carvalho
(Em atualização)
Amarílis Felizes
Ana Costa
Alexandre Abreu
André Carmo
André Pinto
Clara Murteira
Daniel Seabra Lopes
Eduardo Coltre Ferraciolli
Elsa Fontaínha
Francisco Louçã
Helena Jerónimo
Inês Faria
João Carlos Lopes
João Moreira Campos
João Van Dunem
Madalena Ferreira
Maria Conceição Rego
Mariya Gubareva
Paulo Marques
Ricardo Noronha
Sandra Faustino
Sofia Bento
Sílvia Amaral
Thiago França
Vítor Tresse