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6th Annual Political Economy Meeting

Dependences, Asymmetries and Territories

26-28 January 2023


Call for Communications


The Portuguese Association for Political Economy (Ecpol) announces the call for communications for the 6th Annual Political Economy Meeting to be held at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, in Vila Real (Portugal), from the 26th until the 28th of January 2023 with the theme Dependences, Asymmetries and Territories. 

The Meeting aims to bring together all those who, from diverse disciplinary areas and approaches, understand economic phenomena as being eminently configured by social, political, legal, cultural, technological and ecological factors and should be studied in their institutional, historical and geographic contexts. 

The Meeting begins on the 26th of January 2023 with the EcPol’s Winter School. This pre-conference event will count on the participation of invited experts to comment and steer the discussion of PhD students’ research projects.



Economic, social and political turbulence have become a constant feature of contemporary capitalist economies. The economic crisis of 2008 and the implementation of austerity policies (prevailing, in particular, in the Euro Zone), the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the climate crisis are symptoms of that turbulence. The recurrence of  phenomena whose economic, social and political impacts span across multiple territories, calls the attention to the structural, long term dynamics that, simultaneously, originate and are reproduced by such problematic events. Also, structural asymmetries and dependences might have been aggravated by those conditions and its impacts might have been, so far, underestimated. 

How does the intertwining of dependencies and asymmetries produce these turbulent phenomena? How do they expand and deepen and to what extent they might trigger processes of change? Which economic, social, political, institutional and cultural structures might be involved in the production and reproduction of those dependencies and asymmetries? And, which policy decisions and deliberations, at diverse levels, might have contributed to their formation?

These phenomena might have weakened the most fragile groups (particularly those who labour under precarious conditions) and been a generator of diverse inequalities. The deepening of inequalities could be associated with a growing process of geographically concentration of industrial production, which by itself might have generated an uneven access to material resources, and with the reproduction of prevailing dependencies, of an extractive, productive, commercial or institutional nature. The range of repercussions have been experienced in different levels, from the global to the local scales. At the ideological level, several debates have been emerging on the effects of globalisation, invigorated by a controversy on the policies that have been implemented in recent years by Governments and, more recently, strengthened by visible disruptions in supply chains caused by the Covid-19 pandemic or the armed conflict in Ukraine.

The emphasis on the processes of production and reproduction of dependences and asymmetries raises theoretical and epistemological concerns regarding the historical and comparative dimensions, the specificities of each case, the collective action in particular historical and institutional conditions, thus constituting a challenge to the manners of doing and thinking Political Economy. In face of all these challenges, political economy ought to listen to and scrutinize the alternatives put forward by different social actors, while it presents public policy proposals capable of superseding the identified asymmetries.





Communications on the following topics are welcome:

  • Asymmetries, polarisation and Political Economy

  • Dynamics of (de)globalisation

  • European integration, crises and challenges 

  • Productive and commercial specialisation and economic sovereignty 

  • Reconfigurations of labour

  • Participation, social movements and governance

  • Vulnerabilities and territorial responses 

  • Depopulation and sustainability

  • Extractive policies and the rural world

  • Biodiversity, ecosystem services and social asymmetries

  • Welfare State, social inequalities and territories 

  • Crises, States, transitions and public policies

  • Energy and food shocks and sustainable alternatives

  • Financialization, ecological transition, degrowth and development

  • Eco-social transformation and plurality of economies

Types of proposals accepted:


1. Communications 

2. Communications to the panels associated with EcPol’s thematic sections

3. Free thematic panels comprising 3 or 4 communications


Communications regarding PhD projects should preferably be presented at the Winter School

Proposals must be submitted in the language of the communications (Portuguese, Spanish and English are the work languages of the Meeting).


Proposals for communications and PhD projects must contain the following information:

  1. Title;

  2. Type of proposal (communication, PhD project);

  3. Name, institutional affiliation and email address of the applicant(s);

  4. Abstract and 4 keywords (max. 400 words).


Panel proposals must contain the following information:

  1. Title of the session;

  2. Session summary (max. 200 words);

  3. Name, institutional affiliation and email address of the panel proponent(s) and participants; 

  4. Title, abstract and key-words of the communications included in the panel session.


Proposals for communications and PhD projects should be submited through online submission system by following the link:


Communications to the panels associated with EcPol’s thematic sections

- Thematic panel Political Economy of the Territory, should be submited through the following link: and

- Thematic panel “Towards an epistemology of cohesion and sustainability policies” should be submited through the following link:


Proposals for free thematic panels should be submited through the following link:



- EcPol Members (2022 quota regularised) | Rate with no possibility for institutional reimbursement

Until 25th November 2022: 65 euros (includes 2023 quota)

Until 20th December 2022: 80 euros (includes 2023 quota)

- EcPol Members (2022 quota regularised) | Rate with possibility for institutional reimbursement

Until 25th November 2022: 85 euros (includes 2023 quota)

Until 20th December 2022: 100 euros (includes 2023 quota)

- Students (with no possibility for institutional reimbursement) and Unemployed

Until 25th November 2022: 20 euros

Until 20th December 2022: 35 euros 

- Students (Rate with possibility for institutional reimbursement)

Until 25th November 2022: 40 euros

Until 20th December 2022: 55 euros

- Other non-members | Rate with no possibility for institutional reimbursement

Until 25th November 2022: 80 euros

Until 20th December 2022: 95 euros


- Other non-members | Rate with possibility for institutional reimbursement

Until 25th November 2022: 100 euros

Until 20th December 2022: 115 euros

PhD students at UTAD

Exemption from registration fees (Collaboration protocol between UTAD and EcPol)

- Winter School and PhD projects

Until 20th December 2022: 20 euros (free for participants registered for the Meeting)


- Assistence: 10 euros



(new deadline) October 10 2022

Deadline for the submission of proposals

October 31 2022

Deadline for the submission of PhD projets

(new deadline) November 7 2022

Notification of acceptance 

November 25 2022
Deadline for registering in the Meeting and/or Winter School

December 20 2022

Deadline late registration and fees payment



Parallel Sessions

Audience and Lecturer
WINTER SCHOOL | 26 january 2023
The role of Critical Political Economy in the analysis of asymmetries, inequalities, and the climate crisis

Starting from the general theme of the 6th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Political Economy "Dependencies, Asymmetries and Territories", this Winter School will seek to deepen ontological debates about the role of Political Economy and will have climate issues (and responses to this crisis) as its background.

In the first part of the Winter School, we will seek to debate ontologically and epistemologically the role of Critical Political Economy as an instrument of analysis of the power relations that develop around how we collectively organize production and social reproduction over time and space, also problematizing social inequalities and their asymmetrical manifestations resulting from these same power relations. We will also seek to promote an epistemological debate on how interdisciplinarity between the social and natural sciences can promote broader grids of analysis and action that better address the challenges raised by climate justice movements.

The second part will be dedicated to the debate on climate change as an intrinsic phenomenon to capitalism and the choices inherent to a system based on a myriad of inequalities (economic, social, political, institutional, territorial) – as well as the urgent struggles to combat it. Finally, we are interested in mobilizing theoretical knowledge in the search for concrete and collective solutions that we will experiment in the brainstorming lab.

To close the Winter School, there will be a discussion of doctoral projects.

1st Session – 9:30 – 11h (in english)
Angela Wigger

Razões para uma abordagem de Economia Política Crítica à Economia Política Global

2nd Session – 11:30 – 13h
Rui Cortes

Thinking Beyond Productivism: The Political Economy of Knowledge and the Challenge of Climate Justice

3rd Session – 14:30 – 16h (in english)
Andreas Malm

Surviving and Fighting in a World on Fire: Some Thoughts on the Next Steps of the Climate Struggle

4th Session – 16:15 – 17:30

5th Session 17:45 – 19:30

Presentation and discussion of the submitted PhD Projects


The 6st Conference will take place at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro



Alexandra Lopes

Artur Cristóvão

Aurora Teixeira

Conceição Rego

Francisco Diniz

Helena Jerónimo

Helena Lopes

João Arriscado Nunes

José Reis

Luís Carvalho

Luís Mah

Luis Ramos

Luísa Veloso

Marisa Cesário

Nuno Martins

Rui Branco

Tomás Ponce Dentinho


Amarílis Felizes

Ana Santos

Catarina Príncipe

Clara Murteira

Irina Castro

João Moreira de Campos

Leonida Correia

Lívia Madureira

Otávio Sacramento

Patrícia António

Patrícia Martins

Pedro Gabriel

Sofia Gouveia

Teresa Sequeira



Associação Portuguesa de Economia Política

CETRAD - Centro de estudos Transdisciplinares para o Desenvolvimento, da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

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