Call for papers
NEW DEADLINE: 10th October 2024
The Portuguese Association of Political Economy (EcPol) announces the Call for Papers for the 8th Annual Meeting of Political Economy, to be held at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra from January 30 to February 1, 2025. The theme for this year is “Political Economy for a Just Life. Theoretical and Practical Challenges".
The meeting aims to bring together all those who, from the most diverse disciplinary fields and approaches, understand economic phenomena as being eminently shaped by social, political, philosophical, legal, cultural, technological and ecological factors. These factor should be studied within their institutional, historical, and geographical contexts.
The meeting will start with the “EcPol Winter School” on January 30 2025, where guest experts will stimulate discussions on the doctoral projects presented by the students.
In all their diversity, approaches to political economy recognise the inevitability of the intertwining of facts and values in economic and social policy and analysis. Economic institutions created politically, are never neutral: their normative justification, the distribution of their costs and benefits, and the goals and values pursued both individually and collectively reflect the power relations and ideological frames prevailing in a given historical context.
In a period marked by persistent injustices, multifaceted inequalities, stagnation, growing climate change and the precariousness of work and life, accompanied by processes of de-democratisation and distorted visions of freedom and justice, the neoliberal paradigm has begun to lose its global hegemony. This shift has given way to a period of interregnum, characterised by the emergence of heterogeneous and partial alternatives, but without the comprehensive global influence that neoliberalism had achieved.
Contested concepts such as justice, freedom, equality, democracy or citizenship are inexorably part of the evaluation and proposal for institutional transformation, transcending the impoverishing vision of utilitarianism - the spontaneous social philosophy of conventional economics. We need to reconsider what it means to achieve a just life, starting from a pluralist approach to justice and injustice, the implications of freedom and equality, forms of property, value and life, human beings and nature, centres and peripheries, technological development and its contradictions, as well as the state and other implicit or explicit institutions.
The 8th Annual Meeting of Political Economy, therefore, challenges scientists and professionals from various fields, as well as the general public, to reflect on the relationship between the ways of organising the various spheres that constitute the substantive economy and the values that can legitimately be defended and institutionalised: from social, gender or climate justice, to democratic equality, the democratisation of the economy and ‘real freedom’ for all.

Centro Internacional Celso Furtado de Políticas para o Desenvolvimento
We welcome proposals for panels from researchers, thematic sections or regional groups, as well as communications on the following topics, among others:
Theories of value and social justice
Welfare state and fundamental systems of provision
Political economy of care
Workplace democracy and democratic planning
Social economy, solidarity economy and other economies
Political ecology: degrowth, climate justice, more-than-human economy
Deglobalisation, protectionism and geopolitics
Industrial policies and structural change
Financialisation and rentism
Technological change and its normative implications.
Political economy of the media
Property regimes, labour relations and distributive justice
Trade unionism, cooperativism and social movements
Political economy, peripheries and coloniality
Political economy, freedom, equality and happiness
History and theories of political economy
Methodological pluralism and teaching pedagogy
Proposals may be submitted for:
1) Communications;
2) Communications to panels organised by EcPol’s thematic sections/regional centres:
Thematic panel on the Political Economy of Science and Technology (more information here);
Thematic panel on the Philosophy and History of Political Economy (more information here);
Thematic panel on the Political Economy of the Territory (more information here)
3) Free thematic panels consisting of 3 or 4 papers.
Communications relating to doctoral thesis projects should preferably be presented at the Winter School.
Proposals must be submitted in the language of the communications, with the option of Portuguese, Spanish or English.
Proposals for papers and thesis projects must contain the following information:
i) Title;
ii) Type of proposal (paper, thesis project);
ii) Name, institutional affiliation and e-mail address of the proposer(s);
iv) Abstract and 4 keywords (max. 400 words).
Panel proposals must contain the following information:
i) Session title;
ii) Summary of the session (max. 200 words);
iii) Name, institutional affiliation and e-mail address of the panel proposer(s) and participants;
iv) Title, abstract and keywords (max. 400 words) of the papers included.
Proposals for papers and thesis projects should be submitted using the form: ecpol-https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0zy1sOeSiHhGHgIjdD_4u4ZmSs3kCbIJOHAiKwJ804lH94w/viewform
Papers to be included in the panels organised by EcPol thematic sections/regional branches should be submitted by e-mail:
Thematic panel on the Political Economy of Science and Technology: by e-mail to jlgarcia@ics.ulisboa.pt and bela.irina.castro@gmail.com
Thematic panel on the Philosophy and History of Political Economy: by e-mail to pedro.teixeira@cmb.hu-berlin.de and jbateira@hotmail.com
Thematic panel on the Political Economy of the Territory: by e-mail to paulo.madeira@edu.ulisboa.pt and p.marques@ingenio.upv.es
Proposals for free thematic panels should be submitted via email:
- EcPol members (2024 membership fee up to date) | Without Institutional Support
Until November 29 2024: 65 euros (includes 2025 membership fee)
Until December 15 2024: 80 euros (including 2025 membership fee)
- EcPol members (2024 membership fee up to date) | With Institutional Support
Until November 29 2024: 85 euros (includes 2025 membership fee)
Until December 15 2024: 100 euros (includes 2025 membership fee)
- Students and unemployed
Until November 29 2024: 20 euros (includes 2025 quota)
Until December 15 2024: 35 euros (including 2025 membership fee)
Other non-members with Institutional Support
Until November 29 2024: 100 euros (includes 2025 membership fee)
Until December 15 2024: 115 euros (includes 2025 membership fee)
- Students and unemployed
Until November 29 2024: 20 euros (includes 2025 quota)
Until December 15 2024: 35 euros (including 2025 membership fee)
- Other Non-members with Institutional support
Until November 29 2024: 100 euros (includes 2025 membership fee)
Until December 15 2024: 115 euros (includes 2025 membership fee)
- Other non-members | No Institutional Support
Until November 29 2024: 85 euros (includes 2025 membership fee)
Until December 15 2024: 100 euros (includes 2025 fee)
- Winter School and doctoral projects
Until December 15 2024: 20 euros (free for participants registered for the meeting).
- The conference dinner will take place on January 31, at Tertúlia de Eventos, (25 euros).
October 10 2024
Deadline for submitting proposals
October 31 2024
Deadline for thesis project proposals
October 31 2024
Notification of acceptance of proposals
November 29 2024
Registration for the Meeting and/or Winter School
November 30 2024
Notification of acceptance of thesis project proposals
December 15 2024
Late registration for the Meeting and payment and Registration for the Winter

In a scenario marked by multiple and interconnected crises, which manifest at
different spatial and temporal scales, the Portuguese Association of Political
Economy invites and calls upon master’s and PhD students to reflect on the
theoretical and practical challenges of building a just life.
After the End of History and the dominance of various forms of neoliberalism,
contemporary society has been shaped by a social, political, and economic
context that can only be described as one of polycrisis. The new millennium
brought the Financial Crisis of 2008-2009 and the subsequent prolonged period
of stagnation, fought against yet simultaneously exacerbated by austerity
policies. The transition between the second and third decades of the millennium
has been marked by a new global pandemic, new armed conflicts were added
to others long ignored, political and economic threats to old and young
democracies, profound climate changes, and the erosion of welfare regimes. In
this scenario, it becomes inevitable that pessimism, grim forecasts, and
demagogic political solutions set the tone for public debate and influence
various segments of civil society. However, alongside these dynamics, new
proposals for social organisation and political arrangements are also emerging,
which, in the face of multifaceted challenges, insist on envisioning and
reaffirming the possibilities of a dignified and just life. It falls upon all of us to
engage in critical reflection on the origins of our discontent and its potential
solutions – both in the political sphere and civil society, but also, and most
importantly, in academia, which is currently under continuous attack.
Thus, the Winter School invites master’s and PhD students to share their
research and contributions, reaffirming the role of academia in identifying and
characterising the crises we are living through, but also in building responses
and new possibilities for a fairer future. Master’s and PhD projects will be
accepted in the broad field of Social Sciences (Anthropology, Political Science,
Economics, Political Economy, Geography, Sociology), and related areas.
Experts in the key topics will participate in the discussion of these projects.
E-mail: ecpol-8encontro@fe.uc.pt
Álvaro Garrido
André Barata
António Rafael Amaro
Catarina Frade
Conceição Rego
Cristina Matos
Cristina Parente
Fátima Ferreiro
Gonçalo Marcelo
Hermes Costa
Hugo Pinto
João Silva
Leonida Correia
Licínia Simão
Lina Coelho
Luís Carvalho
Luísa Veloso
Margarida Antunes
Miguel Viegas
Paula Duarte Lopes
Renato Carmo
Rui Branco
Sílvia Portugal
Simone Tulumello
Vítor Neves
Ana Cordeiro Santos
Ana Cristina Costa
Andrey Barbato
Daniela Miranda-Prado
Ernesto Nieto-Carrillo
Felipe Rodrigues
João Maia
João Rodrigues
Jaqueline Damasceno
Jonas Van Vossole
Maria Clara Murteira
Silvia Ferreira