Final Extension of the Submission Deadline and Announcement of Invited Speakers and the President of the Annual Political Economy Meeting

The 5th Annual Political Economy Meeting “Social and economic vulnerabilities and transformations” extended the deadline for sending proposals for communications and panels until 8 October 2021. Communications and panels, to be sent following the specifications in the Call for Proposals document, may be presented in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The Meeting will use a hybrid model, with a majority of face-to-face, plenary and parallel sessions, and a set of online sessions.
There are already a number of thematic panels in preparation whose interested researchers may join, namely:
– Thematic panel of the Section on Political Economy of the Territory (contact: Simone Tulumello
– Thematic panel of the Section on History and Philosophy of Political Economy (contact: Vitor Neves
– Thematic panel in honour of Pedro Ramos (contact: Paulo Neto
The President of the Meeting will be Adriano Pimpão, Professor Emeritus of the University of Algarve, that among other positions was the Rector of the University of Algarve, President of the Council of Portuguese Rectors, Vice-President of the Economic and Social Council, or Member of the Independent Commission for Decentralization of the Assembly of the Republic.
Confirmed keynote speakers include Saskia Sassen (Columbia University, USA), Bruno Amable (Geneva University, Switzerland), Claudio Milano (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain) or João Arriscado Nunes (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
The 5th Annual Political Economy Meeting is organized by the Portuguese Political Economy Association, Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, CinTurs – Research Centre in Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being, CEFAGE-UAlg – Centre for Advanced Studies and Training in Management and Economics and by the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra.
The Meeting will take place at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Algarve on the 28th and 29th of January 2022.
More information:
Contact: Hugo Pinto
Call for Papers detailed information